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michele-seibold-groupWhat a whirlwind this year has been, it feels like we just started 2022! The Seibold family has been going nonstop this year in Texas. Our daughter, who turned 6 this year, has been continuing to develop a passion for jiu jitsu, recently earning her second stripe. She just completed her 5th season of soccer and started her second year of piano lessons. She loves all things about living in the country and spends every possible minute outdoors. Lots of time is spent fishing with grandpa, collecting countless frogs and turtles in between chasing and loving on her chickens. In between all the activities, we ventured out on a few family trips mostly full of swimming and attended several art and science day camps.

We continued to expand the ranch a bit with nine new calves born this year and acquired five miniature Belted Galloways. We added a few ducks and geese to the brood in addition to cutting our first pasture of hay before the drought we had this summer ruined the rest of the hay season for us. We got lucky and the wildfires that happened around us didn’t put our property in any danger.

We are very much looking forward to enjoying the holiday season and catching our breath after such a busy year. We hope 2023 will give us opportunities to see many friends and family in person who we haven’t seen in quite a while. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and blessed new year!



michele-seibold-seibold-groupWishing you and yours Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Michele Seibold, Esq

SVP | Senior Commercial Escrow Officer