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Merry almost 2023! I am sending the warmest holiday wishes your way. Approaching the New Year always presents the opportunity to reflect on the past year; what did we do great? What could we work on? What filled our soul with sunshine?  I feel a huge amount of gratitude for 2022. It was a robust year in our industry and while the workload was heavy at times, I learned so much and loved (almost) every minute of it! I am beyond grateful for our health, the traveling, and time my family was able to spend together and with our extended family.



A trip in March to Tulum, Mexico was a huge highlight; an absolute magical place to visit; most definitely a vibe we cannot wait to experience again. Our oldest, Maguire, graduated from University of San Francisco in May, we celebrated with a family trip for a three-day music festival in Louisville, KY. My heart was full having our three children together, with Maguire and Mason living away, starting their own adult lives; it’s far and few between that we get time together as a complete family. We had an absolute blast seeing our favorite bands on the bank of the river in downtown Louisville.

Our 15-year-old, Lily, decided we should visit the Orange County Fair; we, being the cool parents we are, gave in and spent a long weekend in Newport Beach and at the fair with FOUR teenagers. It turned out to be super fun and we may make that our annual tradition before school starts. We also visited my home state and spent some relaxing time in Cannon Beach, OR. My entire extended family got together for the first time in years, we loved spending time with my cousins, aunts, and uncles. We concluded our travels in October with a trip to the Gorge Amphitheater in George, Washington. We flew into Seattle, drove a few hours, and camped onsite at the Amphitheater for two days. The views are breathtaking, and the sound quality is spectacular. I saw my absolute favorite band (for the sixth time this year) and what a perfect bucket-list-type setting to end my year of following them around the continent; I may or may not have cried some tears of joy. It was gorgeous perfection!!

I hope your year was filled with amazing memories as well! From my family to yours, may you have a joyous holiday season and new year full of love, peace, and good health!


brandy-lake-seibold-groupWishing you and yours Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Brandy Lake

AVP / Associate Commercial Escrow Officer