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Diane Overton – 2022 Wrap Up

This year, my husband and I got back to doing something we enjoy but haven’t been able to do much of, travel as much as we can. We started off the year with a relaxing vacation in Cancun. We had a great time sightseeing, spent some time being pampered at the spa, ate local food, and relaxed by the water. In April, we started the summer off early with a weeklong trip to visit our friends and family in Minnesota. We spent a lot of time on side by sides and four wheelers, Barbequing, a zoo day with the nieces and nephews and even got to meet our newest little nephew.


My green thumb made an appearance this year, I planted both my first vegetable garden, and some young trees in the backyard. I have enjoyed watching my crops grow, it’s been quite the rewarding experience harvesting my own crops. We spent the rest of the year going to as many concerts as we could, even travelling out of state more than a few times to catch a show. In October, we adopted a Lynx Point Siamese Kitten, whom we’ve named Klaus (named after Klaus from the Umbrella Academy). We’ve also spent a lot more time with our family and friends this year. Our little cousin got married in November to her long-time partner, in Minnesota, which gave us another reason to travel home to visit.

Besides travelling and being more social, you can still find me at the dance studio on Monday nights learning the latest K-pop dances. I’m on my second year of dance and have an absolute blast doing it, feel free to join me! Outside of that, I started my senior year at Arizona State University. I am graduating with honors in May with my degree in Forensic Psychology. We are looking forward to a lot more travelling and great memories next year. Have a Happy Holidays and wonderful New Year!

diane-overton-seibold-groupWishing you and yours Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Diane Overton

Commercial Escrow Assistant to Michele Seibold, Esq