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The Seibold family has spent most of 2021 not venturing far and enjoying the benefits of country life at home. Our daughter turned five this year and stays very busy. She is passionate about playing soccer, working on her jiu-jitsu skills, and taking piano lessons. We took a long weekend summer trip to Matagorda, Texas where we enjoyed spending time swimming in the Gulf of Mexico and eating fresh seafood.

michele-seibold couple selfie photo

On the ranch this year we had 7 calves born and continue to settle in, working on getting the property producing for itself, hopefully, to add cutting our own hay next year.

We wish everyone a safe, fun, and stress-free holiday season and want you all to know we appreciate you!

Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Michele Seibold, Esq

SVP | Senior Commercial Escrow Officer