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2021 was a big year for the Goffstein family. They welcomed baby Briar Lynn at the end of 2020, so they have spent this year enjoying getting lost in all things infant. They’ve been knee-deep in diapers and feedings and sleepless nights. But they have also enjoyed watching her grow and play with her brother and giggle and start to explore the big world around her. She has brought so much joy after the 2020 funk and Courtney and Shane are so grateful for her.

courtney-goffstein family pic

Their son Logan started first grade at a new school (after distance learning last year). He has already made many new friends and is thriving in his new environment. They were able to spend Briar’s first birthday with family in Big Bear and spent many weekends camping with cub scouts this year.

Courtney started working with the Seibold Team in June and is soaking up as much about the world of escrow as possible. She is looking forward to helping with your closings in 2022. It has been a whirlwind trip around the sun, but the Goffsteins are so excited for all that the new year will bring.

Michele Image

Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Courtney Goffstein

Commercial Escrow Assistant