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The Lake-Marion household spent this past year making up for a lost time! With two adult sons in college and holding down jobs, a very social middle schooler, and two parents in Real Estate; we’ve all felt our downtime was spread a little thin this year. We enjoyed moments together as a family but from our camera rolls, we gather we were having too much fun to capture us all five together at once.

Brandy Lake Collage Photo

Collectively, as a family we have had a broken ankle, a car accident, a promotion, a student of the month, Braces removed, three family vacations, lots of out of state family visitors, all the outdoor live music we could get to, and plenty of time spent around the table enjoying each other, good food and laughter. Time feels like it passed in a blink of an eye, and we look forward to the challenges and accomplishments of what the New Year will bring!

Our oldest, Maguire, will be graduating with a Computer Science degree from the University of San Francisco this Spring. Our middle son, Mason is continuing his Criminal Justice journey in Reno with the Wolfpack, and our youngest little lady, Lillian, will start High-School (“ahhhh!!!”) this upcoming year; her current focus is Law.

I look forward to working with each of you as we move through the end of the year and start anew with 2022! I am grateful for each of you and our awesome team; I truly love my job, colleagues, and our clients, it is a reward in itself.

From our home to yours, Cheers to 2022!

Michele Image

Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Brandy Lake

AVP / Associate Commercial Escrow Officer