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2023 Reflection – Michele Seibold

I cannot believe 2023 is already coming to a conclusion. The years go by so fast! This year the Seibold family made many memories! We started the year out with a trip to Florida, Morgan was excited to spend some time at Sea World, The Magic Kingdom and Epcot. Now at seven years old, she found her passion for all things involving pirates, especially Captain Jack Sparrow.

In July we also made a reunion visit to San Diego to enjoy the beach and to attend Brian’s century class graduation with his SWCC classmates from 25 years ago. Some of the old guys did the final PT with the young graduates and still have it!

Morgan recently started her 3rd year of piano, loves fishing (everyday if we let her), participated in a science fair and earned her grey belt in jiu jitsu. She spends lots of time painting, is active in 4-H and dedicates lots of outside time playing with her chickens and dogs. She wants to own and operate an animal rescue someday when she grows up. She is currently working at starting it off by offering a chicken babysitting service if anyone is in need.

Most of all we are thankful to be able to enjoy spending our early mornings outside on the ranch to watch the sunrise and hearing all the animals wake up and begin their day as often as possible.

We really appreciate your business, truly enjoy working with you and very much look forward to working together again soon.


Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

Michele Seibold, Esq
SVP | Senior Commercial Escrow Officer